
Woman Who Lost Her Entire Forehead Warns People Not To Put Feet On Dashboard

The public response to Kealy’s message has been overwhelming.

“The response to my post has been unbelievable,” she told Yahoo UK. “I couldn’t have imagined it reaching so many people around the world.

“It took me a long time to build up the courage to share my photos. I knew there was a chance I would get negative comments, and I needed to be strong enough to deal with that.”

Despite some negative comments, Kealy has received many more kind and thoughtful messages.

She added: “I have received so many lovely messages from people around the world thanking me for sharing my story and telling me that they will never put their feet up on the dashboard again.

“Knowing I am making a difference makes sharing my story and my photos worth it. I couldn’t have asked for a better response.”

Written by Leia

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