The world once knew her as “The World’s Hairiest Girl.”
“World’s hairiest girl” stuns the world!

Now, Supatra “Natty” Susuphan is turning heads again.

But this time, it’s for a very different reason.
Supatra Susuphan, 23, fights rare genetic condition!

At 23, Natty has been battling Ambras Syndrome, a rare condition.

Known as Werewolf Syndrome, it causes excessive hair growth.
Only 50 cases worldwide!

Only about 50 people have had this condition since the Middle Ages.

Thick hair covered her face, ears, arms, legs, and back.

Before the medical community researched it, people with the condition were shunned.
Guinness World Record holder at 10.

Natty made headlines when Guinness World Records crowned her the world’s hairiest girl in 2010.

Laser treatment didn’t work for her, so she turned to shaving.
From ‘Wolf Girl’ to confident woman!

Natty’s school days were tough, earning her names like Wolf Girl and Chewbacca.

But through it all, her friends and family stood by her.
Natty’s inspirational message!

Natty once told Guinness World Records, “Being hairy makes me special.”

She added, “I don’t feel different from anyone else.”
Natty’s resilience shines through!

Despite teasing, she remained resilient and hopeful for a cure.

Historically, others with her condition faced similar challenges.
17th-century performer with Ambras syndrome!

Barbara van Beck, a 17th-century German performer, had Ambras Syndrome.

Barbara Ursler, another historical figure, was born with the same condition.
From marriage to new beginnings!

Fast forward to 2018, Natty’s love life made news.

Multiple outlets reported her marriage to the love of her life.