
It’s Been A While Since We Checked In On The Fine People Of Walmart (50 Pics)

You look surprised we included you in this list. Oh, you always look surprised?

What if your emotional support animal is another person? Here’s a solution.

“I keep my man on a tight leash.” is not something I ever thought would be said literally. Clearly, this is consensual, but I hope one of the greeters at Walmart at least asked if that was the case. “Hi, just making sure you’re in some kind of sub/dom relationship, and not being held against your will. Thank you. Have a lovely day.”

I wonder if he’s housebroken or if they needed to clean up a few aisles after this couple walked through. 

Happy? Check. Protected from a deadly virus? Not so much.

Walmart sells “duck crossing” signs for this exact situation.

If you’re wondering “what pet is right for me?” The answer is a “cat.” If you have to spend time thinking it through, you’re not ready for the struggle that is having a pet with a lot of upkeep. If, however, you’re sitting and thinking I want a “raccoon as a pet,” you might as well go out and get one. You love animals and it doesn’t matter what people think about your choice. I’m assuming that’s what happened with this woman and her pet duck…

Imagine this woman going up to a greeter and saying “do you allow pets in the store?” and then walking in with her duck. The saddest part? This photo is from a shopping trip for Christmas Eve Dinner. Traditionally, you eat duck that night. This lady is a complete quack. All right. We get it.

Written by Leia

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